Sunday, June 14, 2009

Depression... about poker.

It's been quite a while since I've put in any serious time playing poker, and this depresses me greatly. I think it's been a good thing for me, cutting back on playing poker, but I hardly play at all anymore.

I'm reminded with the countless hours I previously devoted to donkaments and multi-tabling sngs and cash games... I've made some profit in my poker career, but not nearly equivalent to the time invested, imo.

Anyway, I'm playing a tourney (or two) today, live. I played on Thursday and pretty much got my ass handed to me. Granted, the tournament structure was pretty quick, and I never really got into any post flop situations where I could get some chips. I once raised UTG w/ AKo, UTG+1 flat calls, I see a flop of all under cards, 9 high, C/B and take the pot down. Villain claims to have had AQ.

The other hand I played, a loose-ish player raises from EP, I flat w/ 1010, and ofcourse the button, sb and bb all call. The flop comes A Q 4, I fold to a bet from the original raiser, as do all the others, he shows K5ss (???!?!?!). So yeah, besides my passively played tens, I don't think I really made any mistakes. For my bust out hand, I shoved 3,300 at 400/800 w/ 66, BB woke up w/ 1010, gg me.

I'm hoping the poker goes well today... I need something to brighten my spirits. I think I'm going to depend heavily today on positional play and try to develop my reads on players. I've been out of the game for a while, so I really need to step it up a bit.

GL me.


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