When we last left you, Beaverstyle was on what seemed to be the tail-end of quite a heater. However, the tides have turned for this young poker enthusiast, and we will pick things up today.
lol, i'm such a nerd.
Anyways, I final tabled 2 $4.40's today. In the first one I took 8th, I can't really remember how I busted, I think I ended up all in w/ like 5 8 os on a short stack steal, and missed when called.
Final Table #2:
Things started out alright, not great, but alright. I was sitting about 4/9, with about 25k. I lost a few pots to reraises, won a couple, and found myself at around 18k. With blinds at 600/1200/50, I jammed w/ AQos to a MP minraise. He called after a while w/ KQ, and took it down on a board of x J 10 9 x... lol donkaments. Anyway, I was left with about 2500 after this hand, and blinds had increased to 1k/2k/100. I folded a couple hands, and founds AKos UTG+1 (ish). I doubled through A3 clubs. I then doubled once more, (i think I won a race, can't remember exactly.) Then a 14k stack open pushed and I called with AKc in the bb. Villain bricks, and I'm suddenly at 32k, and 2nd place.
My stack wavered around that until I won a couple pots and was up to about 46k Then this hand came up:
1.5/3k blinds
Donk UTG minraises to 6k.
UTG+2 calls.
Hero calls with 22.
folds around.
Flop: K J 2 rainbow
Now Donk was infamous at the final two to the final table for making 'heroic' calls, a.k.a. very marginal calls. Because of this fact, I knew if he bet out, he probably wouldn't fold his hand (even though he had about 80k) He bets out 6k, and UTG+1 calls.
with about 40k behind, and the pot being about 46k, I figured this is as good a time as any to get all my chips in. I jam, raising an obscene amount, about 40k. BOTH PLAYERS CALL!?!?! The turn is a 4 or something, and the river is an A. Oh snap, Q 10 just rivered the nuts... but wait! I was up against Donk's AJs... and Utg+1's AK!
I triple up to t150kish, and the rest is history. I didn't lose the chiplead after that, and played a pretty solid aggressive game, and obliterated the competition.
This is the culmination of a great poker week for me. Let's recap:
6 final tables:
-4 in $4.40 180 person sngs.
1st, 5th, 8th, 9th.
-2 in the $10+1 short handed no-limit holdem
2nd (Netted $405 after being staked by KYslim05)
5th, on my own coin, $220 won.
This week, although maybe a heater, has given me a lot of confidence in my micro-low limit mtt play. IMO I've played a very solid TAG game. I've mixed it up quite well in certain scenarios, most of which have worked to my advantage.
I'd like to thank KYslim05 for initiating this heater by staking me. My 2nd place finish in the $10+1 short handed gave me a lot of confidence. $805 (although I got half) is my biggest cash to date. It was also the first MTT i've final-tabled besides a $1+.10 mtt (of which i have 2 second place finishes). After going on to get 5th the next night (which I was a bit dissapointed about, but still happy I ft'd the same tourney two nights in a row) I feel like I am on top of my game right now.
Even with this success as of late, I know I still have a lot of leaks in my game. I've come to realize that I'm too passive in situations where I could take advantage of position, chip stacks and player images. I'm working on this aspect of my game, and have been, and I guess I'm kind of "due" for these types of scores.
Anyway, That's all, I'm done babbling.
'til the next final table....