Friday, May 04, 2007

One of my goals reached! (kinda)

I won a $20 180 person sng for $1,080!

I really have to thank kentuckyslim (kyslim05 on stars). He offered me the stake out of the blue, and I decided to take it. Besides getting ridiculously lucky at one point in the tourney (KQ > AQ aipf) I really didn't have too tough of a tourney. I got it all in w/ AQ vs Q9 and my hand held. Three-handed the bigstack open pushed for an obscene amount, and the short stack called all in. I had JJ, and basically insta-called. JJ vs AJ vs A6 I think. Flop A J x BINGO BANGO BONGO.
Last hand, 22>AJos, ship the moneys.

So even though it was a 50/50 stake, I am glad to have FINALLY won a tourney!!! I've been getting 2nds and final tabling like crazy (well, more than ever lately anyway) and a win really feels great. Expect to see many more soon!
